Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Pretty New Jacket

It's been a busy week getting things ready at the house for our pending move in, which has been great for keeping my mind off of the inevitable. I feel like making appointments is my new part time job--between window treatment measurements and plastic surgery consultations, it's a good thing that I increased my cell phone minutes last month!

I had an appointment today at my new salon for my eyebrows. I'm supposed to lose those, too, so I met with their make-up artist to learn how to draw in my brows. It was nice to be pampered. The only thing that made my day better was my new jacket! Brian and I were at Nordstrom shopping for a birthday gift, and I spotted what just may be the cutest jacket ever. Even though we both agreed earlier that we needed to curb our spending until our credit card closed since we've been buying so much for the house, Brian was kind enough to concede when he saw how happy I was with it.

As I was buying it, the saleswoman said how nicely the cream complemented my dark hair (my wig!) And here it is...


  1. Erin, I did not know until Rob sent me this site. Keep up the good fight! Rick James is pulling for you.


  2. Love the jacket, you look great!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You look absolutely stunning in your new jacket! :) Oh, and love the new layout! ;)
